Saturday, December 5, 2015

AKA 99 Friends

Jessica Jones

More super strength! That was a cool way for her to use her strength, but she can still get hurt. She should start wearing a bullet-proof vest, it wouldn't of helped with her shoulder, but next time she might not be so lucky.

I like how they are putting the anti-super sentiment in a lot of the shows. I don't know if they will blow up a school, considering they haven't introduced Speedball, but that would be great if it happens in Agents of Shield.

I like that Hellcat kept the gun pointed at the cop while they talked at her table. That poor dad, what an awful story. Killgrave is cruel.

Yup, now you know how it feels to be stalked. Stalked by the stupid junkie no less, is he mind-controlled or is he doing it for drug money?

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