Monday, December 14, 2015


Jessica Jones

I liked seeing how Purple Man's scientist parents experimented on him & turned him into a villain. I liked seeing Purple Man work with her, it reminded me of season 1 Heroes where they worked together to save the people from that car crash, because 1 person's powers are not enough. I also like that she did consider rehabilitating him. The problem is, he wasn't wrong about the hostage guy.

"Bitches right? I'm on it."

She really had no plan. She is terrible at this. Luckily the cop was there or the bodyguard would have shot her. It was dumb that she told PurpleMan about the bomb, she could have used that as a Plan B, instead she let Purpleman know that the cop was around & she's responsible for the dead neighbor.

"I'm going to have to ask you to say that in cash."

Of course the bomb in the bag made no sense. His power wears off after a few hours so how would he know if & when the cop would show up again? Was he calling her every 12 hours just in case? Plus he just got drugged so I thought his powers should have stopped immediately, I guess not. Who buried the yellow flash drive & why was Luke's Wife involved?

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