Friday, January 22, 2016

A View in The Dark

Agent Carter

This episode was ok. Howard Stark's car was funny & so was Jarvis with his judo.

I wish they weren't just tying into Agents of SHIELD. The Zero Matter looks like the stuff the obelisk would sometimes liquify into, except Zero Matter seems to always be liquid. Then the Isodyne ceo is part of Hydra with his little lapel pin with the old symbol that they used on that NASA mission. I get the thing thing with candle being turned off, is that about the sunless planet? Did the scientist get transported to the sunless planet?

Having Hydra infiltrate SHIELD is going to make Peggy look incompetent. This show should have it's own stories & it's bad guys that they actually defeat.

Sousa is ready to marry the nurse after a few months but he seems to still care about Peggy. Then Peggy was into Sousa but started falling for the scientist after just a few days. Sousa should follow through with his proposal if Peggy is that quick to move on.

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