Friday, January 29, 2016



They are at Kord Industries again. Blue Beetle better show up next season & be like: 'why are you guys always fighting around my trucks?'

I can't believe they killed Amanda Waller! They just shot her in the head like it was nothing. Nobody really cared, but I guess that's what happens when you are a cold heartless person. I wonder who they will replace her with. I doubt they will get rid of Argus.

Green arrow was shooting arrows this episode, even an exploding arrow. Normally I hate when tv characters talk to a hallucination but this one didn't bother me so much. Everyone has a code name now, despite her goth look, Felicity is not death, she's Overwatch.

"Was going to go with Oracle but it's taken"!!

I did not like that the purgatory commander was in the army with Spartan, this isn't Lost. Shouldn't Spartan wear that weird mask that shows his hair? At least his criminal brother isn't so annoying anymore. What happened to Mr. Terrific?

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