Monday, September 26, 2016

Don't Tell Bill

Falling Water
Season 1 Episode 1

It tried too hard to have clever dialogue, especially with the corporate security guy. It ended up sounding forced & lame. 'Buy me a suit,' then Burton  tells the guy to go away? Lame.

The falling water should be used to let us know if we are watching a dream or the real world, but it's used inconsistently & there is no difference with how the scenes are shot to let the viewer know what we are watching. I'm afraid the whole show will be a dream & they think it will be some kind of shocking twist like St. Elsewhere but it will just be annoying.

Burton & the graphic designer, Tess, live in the same building, maybe the detective does too. otherwise i don't see how these people are connected.

Is this supposed to be the near future? The fat guy from Revolution just assumes that Tess has Nightmask powers, it didn't make any sense that he would assume she could do Inception without any tech. Also, the uniform cop from the beginning read Bonfire of the Vanities?

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