Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Crack in the World

The New Adventures of He-Man
Season 1 Episode 16

This turned out to be a scientist episode & I was afraid it was going to be horrible, but of course nothing can beat that Kowl episode or that dorko episode.

I like how Meldoc pointed out how the things He-Man does with his sword are impossible. I also liked the fight with Skeletor at the end. He-Man had his shield in this episode, where has it been all this time? It's too bad that the colors were all distorted because of the glow of the Energon.

Skeletor's control of Primus is over so he decided it's time to destroy Primus.

I guess Skeletor & Flogg forgot that they have their own mutant scientists, unless Skeletor killed them all. A substance that can destroy planets by converting matter to energy was pretty cool but I didn't like the way everything just reverted at the end.

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