Saturday, September 2, 2017

Heist, Heist Baby

Season 3 Episode 8

I am not liking this season at all. It just seems boring to me & all the progressive junk is now glaringly obvious now as a result. Jelco is in love with that fat pig? We're supposed to believe that Big Borna has 3 husbands? Give me a break. 

They still haven't explained why Brynn is helping Aneela. It doesn't make any sense that anyone would help  Aneela without an ulterior motive, Aneela is insane. & that guy is a way more reasonable person.

Then they invented a new person who is charge "The Lady" who apparently is being gestated in Delle Seyah . Are they really trying to make Aneela & Delle Seyah  sympathetic to the viewer? Then that line at the end about torture & ice cream just wasn't funny. 

It also doesn't make sense that Dutch would die, if they kill Aneela, she's not Hullen.

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