Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Those Who Would Destroy Us

Season1 Episode 2

That slow motion fight between Medusa & Auran was not exciting enough for slow-mo. It was a lame fight, but I like that Medusa tried to stab her to death. It didn't work, but at least she tried.

How do they not have texting or morse code for talking to Blackbolt with their slap bracelets?

What are those lower caste Inhumans doing digging in the mines? Isn't it better to have population control instead of a weird caste system? & Maximus doesn't like a meritocracy? What is he? some communist anti-fa weirdo?

The Hawaiian guys hanging out with Gorgon on the beach were really lame, especially because Louise's supervisor acts like aliens aren't real. I hate the way people on Marvel shows act like the 1st Avengers movie didn't happen.

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