Friday, April 27, 2018

AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed

Jessica Jones
Season 2 Episode 9

Now it makes a little more sense that Cheng was shooting at Alisa. He didn't want any cops to get hurt arresting her, but he was going to murder someone, how was he going to explain that?

This show is so misandrist. The mother kidnaps Vito but can the show say that the kid belongs with his dad? No way. Instead they have Jessica say "you're his mother, that will never change." Wrong, there are plenty of people who disown their mothers, for less than what they do on this show.

And Psycho Alisa thinks she can be the She-Hulk? At least Jessica did the right thing at the end & turned in her murderous mom to the police.

Duh Hellcat, of course the inhaler was going to run out of drug at some point. Dumb addict.

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