Sunday, April 29, 2018

Will You Play With Me?

The Magicians
Season 3 Episode 13

The season finales always have something go sideways. 

They had a plan & Quentin was going to take over for the knight's daughter, but then Elliot shoots the weird monster thing with the god bullet, even though they agreed not to do that. Then the daughter was possessed by the monster.

I can't believe "xxx" let the fairy queen make such an insane deal. Humans are now responsible for protecting fairies all across the universe? Because that's the deal she made. If the librabry decides to kill fairies again, how are humans going to stop it?

Alice had a point but our Lady of the Trees was like nope! I was kind of looking forward to Julia being a god next season & becoming distant, but I guess not.

Is Eliiot dead?

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