Friday, August 18, 2017

He-Man in Exile

The New Adventures of He-Man
Season 1 episode 13

I liked that He-Man said to the villagers "When good is threatened" like the show intro. It would have been great if he had said to Slushhead that the Great Rebellion had started.

They mutants really did take over. I like Quakke's report of all the mutants controlling Primus. Even though they weren't shown it was still good that they were naming them. It's too bad they didn't have the Galactic Guardians doing the same thing. Instead of some random villager, they could have had Vizar or Nocturna.

That weird Anadroid Terror Claw hybrid was bizarre, stupid scientists. The mirror trick was pretty good but there is no way a bunch of farmers from Primus could defeat a bunch of Terror Claws.

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