Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hot Chocolate

Dark Matter
Season 3 Episode 8

The opening fight space scene was pretty cool, the war is all over the place. i hope they do more of that, like the dominion war.

Is this the same meeting that the Ferrous corporation was trying to get the location of? They were all on the Raza but Android didn't kill anyone, so one of them did it. So much for them all joining the League of Autonomous Worlds.

Ouch, 4 got called out by 6 on his pathetic internal war & how he's losing. At least he won his fight against 2 by going up on that walkway.

Wait, the Raza has Transit Transfer clone pods on board? That seems like a terrible idea. They should be in a locked room, not in the general storeroom. 

How cool when 5 deactivated Android, but yeah, that lucid coma for the hacker sounds horrible.

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