Sunday, August 20, 2017

Puzzle Piece

Season 2 Episode 9

I'm so glad that the Preacher used the word on Tulip. She really is annoying. He should put her to sleep every episode. I seriously don't get how neither she nor Cassidy care that god is missing. I get that he's closer to his son now, but a little interest would be more realistic.

I hate that they did the fight from the soldier's point of view, 1 of the best parts of this show is watching the preacher beat people up.

I see why fat Rufus thought Herr Starr was gay, because he turned down that girl, but considering that he was going to shoot fat Rufus, I don't see why he didn't pull out his gun with the gay prostitutes. I'm sure Garth Ennis thought it was really funny when he wrote it.

So is Herr Starr interested in the Preacher because they both seem to want an authoritative dictatorship?

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