Thursday, August 10, 2017

One Fettered Slave

Orphan Black
Season 5 Episode 9

The Last Season Murder Spree continues, this time Mark, Virginia Coady & some unknown clone from Helena's past. I wonder who else they will kill. Art killed that Zyron adviser but he hasn't killed his stupid partner yet.

Helena being punished by the nun was the stupidest thing ever. That nun just burst into the room & started rubbing one out? Sure, like that happens. Then Helena kept bleaching her hair? Do the writers of this episode not know how hair coloring works?

Why did Sarah go undercover pretending to be Rachel? They should have just sent Rachel. It's annoying how they forgot that Sarah was the Neoultion wanted because she's fertile & then they switched to crazy PT trying to live forever with pseudo-science. It's too bad because the show was going somewhere with clones & real science, but this longevity ret-con doesn't make sense in relation to clones. It's stupid.

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