Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fight or Flight

The Expanse
Season 3 Episode 1

What a season premier! This show is so awesome.

The Rocinante crew is still mad at Naomi, but now that they're the Pinus Contorta, they told Prax everything. I like that Holden was brutally honest about it but he did tell Prax everything that was going on & now they are going to try to help him. That was good.

It was funny when Chrisjen shot at Bobbie. Getting off that ship was pretty cool. I can't believe she almost slipped off the ship. They didn't even know where she was and she could see she was low on power.

That speed ship was cool too. I didn't even think of that. Do they have nascar in space? That would be so cool. You couldn't see much so I don't know how that would work.

Earth & Mars are at war! I was wondering what happened to the Mormon generation ship. I'm surprised the Mormons didn't salvage their ship already. Oh no, there's proto-molecule on the Contorta!

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