Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Option Two

Agents of SHIELD
Season 5 Episode 19

Agents of Low Budget. I liked that Zeke was talking about the multiverse. The Flash has already introduced it, so I don't see why they are having trouble with this on this show. The only people still watching this low-lighting show are hardcore fans anyway. 

Coulson made a comment about bad lighting, but it isn't funny. It's annoying. They don't even have special effects on this show anymore. They were just shooting at fake aliens. They were dudes in masks. It was incredibly boring & the scene where they were banging on the doors, lasted forever.

The only good part of this episode was when they were all arguing with each other at the beginning. Yo-Yo really should have told someone that saving Coulson is what ruins things. Mack is now butthurt that he was wrong. He should trust her. She knows what she's talking about, even if he doesn't understand time travel. He watches Alien movies but not Terminator? Whatever.

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