Season 5 Episode 15

They gave us some dumb backstory about Hydra & Sitwell as teenagers, blah. Nobody cares. Of course they inserted their stupid politics into the writing & as usual they completely messed it up. When Daisy said "I can't believe we're still fighting Nazi's" not only does it ignore that this dumb show ret-conned Hydra into being alien worshipers, not Nazi's, it also shows how Hydra & so-called Nazi's are actually a powerless tiny group of people.
But then the best part of the sjw stupidity was when they had the General hale say that America was built on oppression. So only an evil Nazi bad guy would think that America is built on oppression. They don't even give their stupid sjw dialogue to the right character!
Meanwhile, they keeping moving towards the future we saw in the beginning of this season, so...yay?
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