Season 8 Episode 16

All the time, I keep hoping that Rick & friends will stop being naive do-gooders & I keep being disappointed. It was crap that they had Eugene decide to help Rick. I hated that so much. It was so incredibly stupid & made no sense. Rosita was a b!+¢h to him & was treating him like garbage, why would he change his mind? With Negan, he was getting food & was in charge, I'm sure he was banging some girl too. Just nonsense.
Then when Rick cut Negan's throat, I got so excited until he told the muslim to save Negan. It was just so incredibly stupid. Even now we have people in prison who still have followers & fans. As a sheriff, Rick should know this. I'm just glad that Maggie is set on killing Negan, but I'm even more surprised that Jesus is with her on that. He's been a bleeding heart since he was introduced. That didn't make sense either. Jesus kept those saviors from being killed, why would he be onboard with killing Negan?
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