Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bitter Harvest

The 100

This episode was awesome!


Jaha forgot his own son!?! Oh no, that means that Raven also forgot about Finn when Jasper apologized about the ashes! The city of light isn't just blocking pain receptors, it's erasing people's memories. Oh man.

I really liked how Raven asked "What's wrong with you?" when she heard about version 2. That's what I was thinking. ALIE 2.0 is probably anti-malware specifically for ALIE 1.0.

All this time I assumed Polis was grounder speak for Politics. But it's the 13th station Polaris!

"Blood must not have blood."

2 people dead, Pike should have shown up first to talk, I can't believe he was just going to kill everyone in that village. Does he think the 12 tribes won't retaliate?

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