Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Blowjob Before Dying

Season 1 Episode 6

This episode was funnier.

It was funny how Tiger talked about Badger interrogating people relentlessly & Butterfly being social. They don't have blowjobs in the future? What kind of nightmarish hellscape is that?

Again with the time travel 101, right after he used Lamar on his Blapple to remind him when Jeri's head was going to explode. I thought someone might get hurt, but her head just exploded & he was fine. It was a good interrogation strategy to get the info out of her, but Jeri has a point. Wolf & Tiger are the terrorists. A perfect human & society sounds really good so he is making a big mistake choosing the murderers over her.

I forgot got that was uncle Bob from the 60s, he remembered. Seriously, his mom was so annoying.

I really hope he's over Tiger.

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