Saturday, March 3, 2018

Six Short Stories About Magic

The Magicians
Season 3 Episode 8

This was a great episode. I like how they broke it up by person & it still made sense at the end. Harriet is the librarian's daughter!? That was unexpected. I like how her whole segment was mostly silent except for the soft thud of footsteps.

I can't believe they killed Harriet & the other teleporter. That is messed up. I like how they made the mirror bridge an actual bridge & not some cgi stuff.

The poor map guy was all alone & lied to get more attention. & Penny is still a douchebag, he can't even be nice to a dead guy who called him his friend.

I didn't really like the explanation of the life books, it sort of makes sense but I still don't like it. Also why does she look exactly like Alice. Does everyone snort Fairy bone dust?

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