Thursday, March 29, 2018


Agents of SHIELD
Season 5 Episode 13

Even though I hate Gravitonium, I liked the floating ship. and i could see how something like that would not be noticed floating in the sky.

I wish Deke had said something to his grandma. The playing catch thing was funny, too bad they didn't tie it into Guardians of The Galaxy, another missed opportunity by this show.

Hydra was a boy's club? What the hell was General Hale talking about? Not only was the daughter there, but Madame Hydra was a big part. If this show isn't being terrible, it's insulting the audience.

Hypenate their names? There's no way I would put up with that feminist crap. But I'm not nice Guy Fitz who was ok with Simmons getting raw-dogged by an astronaut.

Now I'm annoyed that they mentioned Deathlok. He would improve the show just by being on. The team of villains is really lame so far, Werner von Strucker can remember everything? Who cares. So can the actress from Taxi.

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