Sunday, March 18, 2018

Equinox: The Book of Fate

Black Lightning
Season 1 Episode 7

This was a really good episode. I am really liking when Black Lightning does his big kick, (I don't know what the right name for it is). I hope they give it electricity one day. That would be really cool, although I think his electricity only comes from his skin & not through his clothes.

What is going on? I thought Gambi was a good guy. Everything he says makes sense, but somehow he made a deal with Voodoo Eve? An ecosystem with the 100 gang? That doesn't make him a good guy. She even gave him bone dust that he used after he dressed up as The Shadow & killed Tobias's right hand man. 

Jefferson realized that he needs to train his daughter so that she doesn't make the same mistakes he makes. It wasn't really his fault but thanks to his involvement, Tori was shot dead. 

Then Eve was electrocuted to death with those electric guns. This isn't even a season finale & so much happened! 

I didn't like how both Anissa & Jefferson were so nonchalant about the fact that their actions each led to the death of someone.

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