Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Season 3 Episode 8

So the hosts are sharing their technology with Kinds, who cares. If we are going to be helping them in their war against their enemy, then duh, of course they would share it at some point. The bulletproof fabric is a little surprising, but I guess the mechs will want to protect their workers.

Will just abandoned Broussard & the op at the last minute cause he wants to kill Snyder, but really Snyder saved his life & his family's life, but he won't see it that way. I really want Snyder to use Will's own dialogue from the 1st season about how being part of the resistance is stupid & will get them killed, because that is exactly what happened.

I forgot all about those humans vomitting green stuff. Are they genetically engineering humans to be their soldiers? Because that dude took out a bunch of those guards.

Is katie stupid? did she forget again about the alien robots?

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