Thursday, August 2, 2018

Let the Chips Fall

Season 2 Episode 6

Long John Silver is telling Jillain to accept that everything dies. So it looks like she's going to bang the secret service agent, even though she's the one who dumped Liam for no good reason. Sure, he was being a sjw, but the world is ending, give him a little slack, he was kidnapped by a hacker group.

Liam is behaving more like a child with each episode. He used to be a young adult in the 1st season.
He sure got over his fiance really fast. Liam is a physicist, not a hacker, he wouldn't know about some random hacker. 

Putting the two plans together is a good idea, but how does the rail gun, not destroy the solar sail. What is with the mysterious scientist who didn't show up?

They killed Bennett & then they killed Mackenzie! Now Darius is the president? What a mess, maybe the asteroid should hit.

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