Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Man Who Made Volcanoes

Wonder Woman
Season 2 Episode 9

I like that we got to see her deflect bullets in this episode, they haven't done that in a while. 

What? All the spies know each other? And the IADC didn't even try to stop the Russians from parachuting into Mexico. I'm surprised that Wonder Woman was ready to work with the Russians & the Chinese. 

That scientist was right though. Nobody was going to listen to him without a threat. Even without that volcano ray, countries didn't work towards peace. He's dumb though to think that holding the entire world hostage with a ray gun would work. It was so easy to disable.

Then the Chinese spies started dating, that was so bizarre. That came out of left field. Why would the IADCc & Diana Prince be friends with them? They were fighting? Some things on this show make no sense.

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