Saturday, August 18, 2018

Point of Origin

Season 1 Episode 10

So they retconned Oliver into being a pyromaniac. But they messed because Charlie said that if he set off that substance, Mara wouldn't get out of there alive, but her & Charlie did. And the EMT's pulled Oliver out on a stretcher so he wasn't dead either. Although, we clearly saw him go into Reverie just as the fire started. I guess he's the one using Mara's log in.

I don't like how none of the people who were still in Reverie were harmed by the shut down. That was stupid. Also how do they not have Disaster Recovery systems in place? My company isn't that tech heavy & we have back up servers off site just in case of a disaster like that. Fail!

This was still a pretty good episode & I'm glad they brought back Monica Shaw. Oliver was right, the fact that he could induce a Reverie & prevent someone from escaping shows how they are already out of control.

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