Thursday, January 4, 2018

Two Dead Men

The Punisher
Season 1 Episode 2

I like how The Punisher had Microchip driving around from place to place. I seriously didn't know what was going on. It was pretty funny how he got in the trunk of the car. I like how he went to micro's house. That was good, scared the crap out of him.

Oh man, The Punisher killed Carson Wolf. At least he put up a good fight for an old man. I guess him & Black Widow have the same interrogation techniques! So he was involved in some weird murder in the middle east? I'm still not clear on that.

Karen is back, she shouldn't be a target this time. Madani is annoying. at least she was interested in that Anvil guy, instead of just using him for info. His son was a massive brat, Frank should have explained the joke to him.

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