Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Half Truths & Half Breeds

Season 1 Episode 3

You would think a minority show that has most of the cast be black would hire a Latino to play a Latino role, but nope. He had the worse accent when he spoke Spanish. As if  LA & the south aren't filled with Mexicans that they could hire for this role.

The daughter was being super-annoying again. Garvey keeps blaming her dad, even though it was her mother that keep her a secret from him. Calvin didn't know, it's not his fault. Then Garvey had the nerve to complain about people who keep secrets!

The writing is so terrible. Calvin doesn't have a job, how did he stand up May on their date to talk to that guy at the bar? So dumb.

As if it wasn't obvious this show hates men, Tilly said some stupid line about men being liars. Like there are that many black women who like supernatural tv shows??

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