Monday, January 29, 2018

What's Past Is Prologue

Star Trek: Discovery
Season 1 Episode 13

At 1st I thought it was dumb that Georgiou was emperor but Hoshi did take command at the end of that episode of Star Trek: Enterpise so maybe she's a descendant. This show is online, so why are they still sticking to a broadcast time constraint. It's so annoying that they keep cutting footage that should be in the show.

I'm glad that Burnham fought & escaped instead of going to the brig. I think it's dumb that the emperor just gave up because Lorca took over her ship for a few hours, that's barely a coup. I also think it was insane that Burnham kidnapped the emperor & also that the transporter separated them. That was really stupid. Did nobody on this show watch any episodes of Star Trek!? That's not what happens when they transport.

Burnham made such a huge mistake, what was she thinking rescuing the emperor. She was there when the emperor fired on the planet with the rebel base after she tried to let them leave. The writers of this show seem to have the same short-term memory that most stupid liberals have these days.

Suddenly the DASH drive let's them travel through time!? They just suddenly introduce that in this episode without explanation? Where is the federation timeship when you need it.

At least mirror Lorca is dead, so I guess we'll find out if fungus Lorca is alive or dead. 

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