Thursday, June 7, 2018

Schott Through the Heart

Season 3 Episode 14

This episode was terrible. 

Winn's mom kept making jokes & they were not funny at all. They were either inappropriate or delivered wrong. It was just cringe-inducing. Then they ret-conned Toyman into being a physically abusive husband. Just a load of garbage. As if that man-hating wasn't enough, they actually had Martian Manhunter's dad complain about rock & roll music. Ugh.

At least we got to see Supergirl take out those flying monkeys & Mon-El was flying around & using the cape to stop a robot dinosaur, which was cool.

Pestilence turns into Blight? Batman Beyond Blight was a boy so it must be a different Blight. What is Lena up to with Reign? 

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