Friday, June 15, 2018

Triple Point

The Expanse
Season 3 Episode 5

Oh man, this season is great. Fleet Admiral Nguyen nuked a UNN ship, there was a mutiny & the UNN ships were firing on each other. Admiral Souther is dead and Jules Pierre Mao is so evil, I thought he felt paternally towards Mei because she was like Julie Mao, but he ordered that scientist to turn Mei into a hybrid walkie talkie knowing that she's going to die. 

The captain of the Hammurabi was right. Let the UNN kill each other, because attacking would only unite them. Her XO should have known that. I can't believe she offered a truce to earth ships. 

Naomi is a mom? Is that a retcon, or where there clues the whole time?

What on IO!? Who launched those hybrids? Was that automatic? Did Nguyen do that? Somebody needs to broadcast to both fleets what just happened.

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