Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The End

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD
Season 5 Episode 22

After a boring & disconnected season, I was hoping they would all vanish thanks to Thanos but this episode turned out to be pretty good. It started out with that good scene of Yo-Yo arguing with Daisy about saving the world & May being selfish & destroying the Odium.

I guess they used all the money they saved on lighting for this season finale. This episode looked way better, with Qovas' ship crashing into the Chicago skyline but the superhero fight was really anti-climactic. Sure, it was the smart way to get rid of a super-villain, collateral damage was minimized without civilian casualties but it wasn't exciting and it was over really quickly. I didn't like how they ret-conned Graviton into being able to absorb anyone, that made no sense. He only absorbed the absorbing man, because Creel turned himself into Granitonium. Talbot can't absorb Daisy.

"We save lives"

They finally broke the time loop which means that the future they were in, is now a different earth. I totally forgot that Fitz is orbiting a planet. I thought they really were killing him.

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