Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Therefore She Is

The Flash
Season 4 Episode 20

I was wondering where they were going with the flashbacks, especially when Marlize found his diary. but it looks like she agrees with Clifford. The end though was really abrupt the way she flew away in the chair. Did she stop drinking the Weeper's tears? 

But Ii thought The Thinker was going to make everyone smart, not make everyone dumb & forget about technology. This seems really strange. Earlier this season he was crying about how other metas used their gifts for evil but he was going to use his abilities for good & couldn't use his legs & how unfair that was. But in this episode it seems like they ret-conned that away & made him evil from the beginning.

Why are they breaking up Gypsy & Vibe? As if it wasn't bad enough that they are nothing like their comic book versions, now she's gone? That seemed pointless. 

Who is this speedster girl? Barry's daughter?

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