Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Virtù e Fortuna

Season 2 Episode 3

We already knew there was a feudal Japan park last season, because they showed the samurai suit in the season finale, so that wasn't a surprise. The India safari park would be an interesting park but it didn't make sense that the woman wanted to shoot the guy because they were talking about how they aren't Cylons and the cylons don't do that. She could have just shown him a photo to see if he knew what it was.

I don't get why Delores wanted the Confederados to die outside the fort. That was stupid. What a waste of an army. Just because she thinks not everyone deserves to live? They are toasters, they can each be re-programmed to be what she wants. Bernard did it to that 1 guy in minutes. It doesn't make sense to kill them. With each episode Delores is shown to be nothing more than a mindless murderer who I hope will be killed by Maeve this season.

I like that the writer started finishing Paulo's lines back at him. They keep providing evidence that the Cylons are just toasters, not real at all.

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