Saturday, February 13, 2016


The Shannara Chronicles

Are we suddenly on Pandora!? They have dragons! When did this happen? Can that dragon hear the whistle anywhere in the 4 lands?

It looks like Allanon teleported away when he got stabbed last episode because he showed up at the Druid temple & got healed. If the sword didn't kill him, why did he care about it?

I liked how Amberle took out the Elf Hunter with an ancient laptop & picked up some D&D dice. I also liked that they were at a High School Prom frozen in amber.

Will to the rescue! Just as they predicted. Now he has to rescue Eretria again.

"Your father is dead & you are my puppet."

Poor Ander, first his dad is dead & now his brother Arion is dead, but he had to kill the changeling that looked like his dad. He is having a very bad week.

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