Sunday, February 21, 2016


The Shannara Chronicles

I like how the humans all boo'd at Spock because of his elf ears! I also like that Wil used the D&D dice to trick Cephalo. I like that Eretria is beoming friends with Wil & Amberle.

They killed Cephelo, which is too bad, he was a good thorn in their side. He interrupted them just as Wil as finally going to have sex with Amberle, at least he was nice to Eretria before he died.

Those humans didn't seem too concerned with wasting bullets, but seeing as how they were trying to get their hands on all old human tech, they probably figured out hot to make them, they had electricity & music. How funny that the techno was playing on an LP.

What a terrible way to live in peace. Why didn't they start their town somewhere else? There seem to be other uninhabited places, they could have built a human town without having to sacrifice a human to the trolls every month.

Poor Ander was drunk but luckily Allanon talked some sense into him.
"You can walk away from your duty if you wish but do not pretend that it's noble or brave."

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